Monday, March 16, 2015

Serving Like a Champion

                                                We thought that was a nice pile of sticks
                                       to pose in front of while country tracting, so we did
Hey y'all! 
This week was great.  Okay, it was pretty slow because Sister Call has been sick (she's great now) but it was still great! First of all, Happy Birthday yesterday Alicia! I hope it was a nice day (: This week has finally warmed up a ton and it's been way nice! But unfortunately for me, that just means a whole bunch of allergies. I bought some Zyrtec stuff though, so that's helped a bit. 
Ahh I totally had a chance to speak Spanish and I BLEW it!  So Sister Call couldn't get this jar open, and I couldn't either, and we were desperate! We went next door to some guys that were fixing up the vacant apartment, and I asked for help in English.  He's like, eh? Haha and the most I could muster up to say, puedes ayudarme? Victory! But then I couldn't think of how to say, “can we give you a card? “ So we just gave it to him and said gracias.  It was so sad, and I'm quite embarrassed.  But at least an English seed was planted in his sweet heart. Glory glory. 
               Country tracting... we ought to be on horses or something entertaining
                                                           Ain't she a cute one!
Oh boy, we got news this week! Well kind of.  We had to drive up to Peach Tree City so I could personally hand in passport papers.  I haven't heard anything back, but it was supposed to be a 24 hour turnaround so maybe they just haven't told me yet! But that was so nice to feel like something was actually happening. Part of the paperwork needed travel plans, so I received possible travel plans to Taiwan! That made my heart so happy (: So if everything goes speedy quick, I'll be leaving on April 13th! Haha I don't even care if I don't leave that day, it was just nice to know that I'll be in Taiwan eventually. 
We've been doing quite a bit of store contacting this week, in preparation for my possible trip to the airport.  While we were up north, Elder Danklef told us about Sister Echols (who I went to jr high with). She broke her arm riding her bike, and had to go home for surgery.  But while she was in the airport, she taught someone like all three lessons, and a less active family of 10 gathered around to listen! Apparently two of their kids are now on missions, and the guy she talked to was baptized.  I've been praying for a miracle during my travels! It's going to happen.  So we've been practicing store contacting to get a feel for doing that in the airport (:
We saw so many times where the Lord just led us to people, even though that meant He had to cancel all of our appointments a good few days.  One day, we knew we needed to see Tilwania but hadn't been able to get in contact with her for a while, so Sister Call said a prayer as I was driving over, and we caught her just before she was leaving! Another time, we went to go visit Jenny, but West was there! We also haven't seen him in a good minute so that was great.  And my favorite - We parked on the street to start tracting a bit, and right where we got out, there was an Asian woman with her 4-year old son.  Her name is Ikuyo, and at first she seemed kind of hesitant.  Sister Call offered to pray, and seriously the whole time she was praying, I was praying that the spirit would work through her and soften Ikuyo's heart..  and I prayed that she knows Chinese, or has some relation to Taiwan.  Haha well, one of those prayers were answered.  She's Japanese, dang it! But I'm still way excited to teach her!
Okay, funniest moment of the week.  We were teaching Jessica and Tiba the plan of salvation, and Jessica was telling us her depiction of God. It was hilarious! "So God is just chillin up on his throne, Jesus right beside him, probably wearing shorts and flip flops.  Oh, and definitely drinkin a sprite, I love sprite! Jesus has to love sprite. (somehow we were talking about how the countries all separated) So God decided he would have some fun and zap all the countries to separate them.  ZAP and then Jesus was like, hey pops, I want a turn! ZAP." hahah don't worry, we clarified a few things but it was just so funny! I love Jessica (: 
                                               Sis. Call--what a goof :)
                               Gluten free 'black bean brownies'.  Surprisingly they weren't bad!
Sorry I guess I haven't been too good at telling about our 'gators on date! We've got five right now! Montavious, Damien, Keegen, Tilwania, and Measha. 
Montavious is pretty legit.  We actually met someone who worked with him. When we walked up to him he's like "y'all are the Mormons!" apparently he talked to Montavious about how he's meeting with us and he only said good things! Hurray!
Damien is a member's stepson.  He's so funny but he's a little slower progressing.  He knows he needs to be baptized and come to church, but just doesn't act on that.  But we're working on it! He actually came to church yesterday!
Keegen is Jenny's 9 year old son, and he's awesome! He is so excited to be baptized, but his one thing is that he doesn't like coming to church because they don't color in primary.  Haha I think we'll make some arrangements for that one :)
Tilwania... OHHH TILWANIA!!! She's amazing!! We were definitely led to her by the Lord with a 'last house miracle'. She said she saw us tracting one day on the longest street in Barnesville! (Might I add that we got zero new investigators from that.. lame. but at least there was one sweet fruit that came of it!) She has 7 kids, and when we met her and ever since, she just smiles all the time! She LOVED us teaching about the restoration, and even asked about the DVD that her uncle has.  Her kids range from like 3 months to 11, so hopefully we'll be able to teach 2 or 3 of them!
We met Measha just the other day on her porch with her parents, but only she was there for the return appointment but she was way excited to read the Book of Mormon.  I hope we'll get to teach her more this week as well as her parents!
Well, I believe that's all for this week! Thank you so much for all of your prayers and fasting.  I think we're finally starting to see those being answered, and I'm so thankful for that! Have a blessed day!

Love, Sister Facer
                     Just had to capture some high school soccer memories in someone's garage

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